Design does so much more than just look pretty. When people walk into a room that’s designed just for them, there’s a sense of deep appreciation and comfort that’s found in knowing that your room is yours.

That’s what Susan, designer and founder of Savvy Giving by Design, discovered when she started making over rooms for kids who needed a space that’s 100% outfitted for their specific needs due to injury or illness.
I started talking to Susan about Savvy Giving by Design in December 2018. That’s when she told me about Keeley, an active, talented and athletic 12-year-old girl who has been battling osteosarcoma - bone cancer.

After finding a 4.5” tumor in her leg, Keeley began treatments which led to a necessary surgery where her leg was amputated. Keeley’s life has been lived in and out of hospitals since being diagnosed and she needed a place of complete comfort to recover. She also had some new needs in terms of mobility. Susan took on the challenge of figuring out how to accommodate Keeley’s needs while providing her with the room of her dreams!

Keeley’s room was challenging, because it was on the small side. So, Susan added as much impact as she could without overwhelming Keeley with things. That’s why she began the design with a focus that came from Stikwood: a reclaimed wood wall with a geometric pattern in Reclaimed Rustic Slate.

Susan wanted one big focal point for the room that would add a ton of texture and dimension and then she figured out the furniture placement from there. She chose a swinging chair, because Keeley really wanted one! A floating desk, so Keeley wouldn’t have to navigate her way around annoying furniture legs and a doggie trundle for her service dog, which happened to be one of Keeley’s favorite things in the room!

As awesome as this room looks, the thing that makes it so cool is that Keeley can function in it! Everything has a purpose, from the beautiful reminders of courage on her wall, to the easy to navigate footprint of the room.

Keeley has a space that was made just for her and that’s what made this project so incredibly special.
Learn more about Keeley and Savvy Giving by Design at
Cheers! Carmen
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